Finally got around to seeing the movie, “Up In The Air”. The movie had been recommended to me because of issues surrounding transitions. As I watched the movie I really did notice all of the issues regarding transition but it also had a great deal to say about relationships and life purpose. I continue […]
Tim Hansel once wrote in his book, “Holy Sweat,” that if the devil can’t make you bad he’ll make you busy. I like this quote because it strongly points out the dangers of an overbusy life and the fact that if the devil can make us busy it distracts us from reflection upon what is […]
The Scripture readings (Isaiah 6: 1-13 and Luke 5: 1-11) for the week of February 7 certainly confront the listener with the reality of transition. Isaiah just went to pray and was encountered by God. As God came before Isaiah, God created a Pivot Point experience. The call to Isaiah to speak on behalf of […]
Why in the world is it so hard to bring about a change in behavior or attitude? Why do we keep making resolutions and never seem to keep them? I don’t remember who said it, but the quote goes, “The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things expecting different results.” I want […]
I work with four stages of transition (entry, destabilization, alignment, direction). Each is equally important but at times I think I get the most fascinated with the first stage because of the challenge of discernment. The spectrum in the first stage can be from an internal restlessness to a state of shock as one processes […]