Went with a friend to see the movie Blue Like Jazz based upon Donald Miller’s best selling book. I liked it! In fact, I think the movie helped me make sense out of the book. In a later book (A Million Miles in a Thousand Years) Miller uses the term inciting incident to describe what […]
I love this piece about music and dementia for two reasons: 1) It shows that the individual is still alive, still responsive and still who he or she is. We most times fail to remember that this person is still an indiviual with thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires. Music helps us express who we are. 2) I […]
Steve Arnold will be presenting on the topic Spiritual Care and Memory Loss in two different settings in the coming weeks. April 25, 2012 – St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Columbia Heights, MN May 9, 2012 – University […]
WHY? I am receiving many questions about my new involvement with the Lutheran Deaconess Association (LDA), The questions come in many forms. The questions are not judgmental. The questions express a sincere curiosity, but, also express that people have trouble understanding what this “deacon thing” is all about. The questions essentially boil down to two: […]
Profound! Delightful! Insightful! Enriching! All of the above. I probably like this book so much because I had the chance to live in the author’s home for over a week while in diaconal formation. We were so busy with formation that I didn’t get to visit with him and his wife as much I wanted […]