My senior DCE students and I are reading and discussing Bonhoeffer’s Life Together. This is the 20th class that I have discussed this book with and each year I find it to be such a blessing of discovery. Bonhoeffer starts off by writing, “In the following we shall consider a number of directions and precepts […]
I heard a true story today of a person entering into The Third Age (over 50). This person lays flat all day and needs assistance to roll over, eat, toilet….actually needs assistance for everything. This person can only communicate with grunts and noises with an occassional expression of the eyes or a small movement of […]
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is becoming the life transforming experience that I had hoped it would become. I had read, and been told, that CPE was about patient care and that it was about the interior journey. It is everything that I hoped it would be and more. Our group of five spends a great […]