I get a bit teased for liking “syrupy” movies. No doubt, many touch my heart. Last week I watched Sound of Music (for at least the 30th time) and tonight I watched Peter O’Toole and Sopia Loren in the move, “The Man of La Mancha.” I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!! Man of La Mancha is about […]
Futurists are talking about 2009 as a time for more change than people are bargaining for. Faith Popcorn writes about the “socio-quake” that is taking place resulting in the toppling of icons and changes about the way we believe and act. Part of me really hopes that she is right. The past twenty years have […]
The newspapers and futurists web sites have been filled with the concept that the trend in 2009 will be to look like you are not living an extravagent lifestyle. As I was reading about this I got very excited, “Finally, my less than ostentatious life style is in vogue.” The authors were telling how when […]