Finally got around to seeing the movie, “Up In The Air”. The movie had been recommended to me because of issues surrounding transitions. As I watched the movie I really did notice all of the issues regarding transition but it also had a great deal to say about relationships and life purpose.
I continue to be fascinated about life transitions. One of the principle ways to support someone in life transition is to remember that initially they are in a state of change that is causing disequilibrium. The first response of the helper is to help them clear their mind and then to help them calm down and take a breath before reacting. The role supporters play is to provide support until such time as the individual is re-oriented and ready to move forward. The process requires a great deal of listening and discernment.
The character played by George Clooney played that role out well as he was informing people that they were losing their jobs. He let them speak and through good listening was able to turn things around so that they could look to a new future. He also understood that face to face interaction is very helpful rather than to depend upon technology. I become more and more convinced that the human element is missing when communication happens through technology. I loved the way the “older” Clooney helped the “younger” person see that technology doesn’t always do it. Yes, I have some thoughts about that.
So, if you saw the movie I would love to hear your thoughts…..