Contact Steve Arnold at or by calling 651-261-9853.
Prayer and Conversion: A Transitional Journey Toward Abundant Living
This topic can be explored in a two hour session or a two day retreat. The time is spent in experiencing forms of bio spiritual focusing, praying the Word, reflecting in contemplative prayer. This is an opportunity for inward journey through times alone and times in group. Guided journaling will also be a part of this experience.
Deep Change: Daily Dying and Rising
This topic is best served in a two day retreat, as participants engage in discernment and prayer, seeking to hear and answer God’s call to life and service. God’s call to abundant living leads to being asked to die to those things which hold one back and rising to newness in Christ. This will be a time for Scripture study, reflection, silent prayer and meditation.
Spirituality and Aging
This session will focus on the issues of spiritual development and formation as one ages. What are the questions? What are the issues? Where is God in the process? The questions will be dealt with in a way that one can apply in ministry to others, as well as to one’s self.
Embracing The Next Chapter: A Positive Look at Aging
This session will explore the positive aspects of aging and will also explore how to transform some of the apparently negative aspects of aging into a more positive experience. In so many respects, it is all about attitude. Time will be spent in exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in the positive aspects of aging.
Understanding Dementia and Spiritual Care
This topic can be explored in a 90 minutes session or expanded to greater depths for a one day experience or a retreat. Time is spent working to understand the nature of dementia-related disease and how one might provide meaningful spiritual care.
Laying the Foundations: Beginning With The End In Mind
This topic emphasizes the need for strong spiritual formation, beginning at birth and then continuing through each phase of the lifespan. The foundations laid in those early years provide the connecting points for those providing spiritual care to those with dementia-related illness. The one with dementia draws upon the resources formed over the years. Time is spent exploring ways to form people in the faith over the lifespan so that they are prepared to face whatever life brings.
A Time Out For Caregivers
This time together is for those who provide care (paid or unpaid) for those with dementia-related diseases. The experience involves Scripture study, sharing, prayer and quiet rest. This program can be for 2 hours or extended to an overnight retreat.
The Leadership Challenge: Exploring Ways to Serve Those With Dementia
Designed for both lay and professional leaders in the Church, this time together will provide support for congregations interested in expanding ministry to those impacted by dementia. The process offers opportunity for strategically finding ways to serve a special population.
For these and other programming events, please contact Steve Arnold at ( or (651-261-9853).