A personal retreat is a time to get away to catch your breath and relax in the presence of God. A personal retreat offers a chance for praying the Scripture, listening to the voice of God in the silence, journaling and reflection. A personal retreat is a time of renewal.
You can establish a personal retreat on your own or you can meet with a spiritual director who can guide you in setting up a personal retreat.
Planning a Retreat on Your Own
If you wish to develop your own personal retreat, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Plan to go somewhere that offers few distractions. There are many wonderful retreat sites that serve the one on pilgrimage and retreat, but, a quiet place to camp would also serve you well.
- Prepare to enjoy silence by avoiding places that are filled with noise. Leave noise-makers (radio, Ipod, etc.) at home.
- Leave work at home. Plan a ritual and time of transition.
- Bring Scripture. Scripture would be the focus of the retreat but other devotional readings would be appropriate.
- Plan to stay at least two nights and three days. As one person has said, “It takes a day or two for my soul to catch up with my body.”
- Experience a rhythm of praying Scripture, walking, engaging in intercessory prayer, sleeping.
- Take time to journal and reflect upon the presence of God in your life.
- Take a nap as needed. Rest is a part of the sabbath experience.
Working with a Spiritual Director
If you wish to work with a spiritual director regarding the development of a personal retreat, contact Pivot Point Ministries and I would be pleased to work with you. You can reach me through e-mail: steve@pivotpointministries.org.
May God bless your journey.