Participants Share Their “Calm Down” Experience…
“The Calm Down Retreat was one of the best experiences I have had in high school. Not only did I grow closer to my friends I grew even closer to God. The Calm Down Retreat is where I had the strongest connection with God that I have ever had. Between the amazing leaders and the personal time, the whole weekend was very rewarding in so many ways. In the end, I didn’t want to leave.”
Alex Augustyniewicz, High School Senior, Ascension Lutheran Church, Wichita, KS
The Calm Down retreat has impacted my life in many positive ways. I see this retreat as a personal reflection time in which you not only evaluate yourself and your faith, you find your faith strengthened. Every summer I look forward to the opportunities that come from the Calm Down retreat. This spiritual reformation event relaxes me as well as expands and strengthens my faith. Come join us this year for an incredible walk with God at The Calm Down Retreat!
Nathan Thurnau, High School Junior, Asecnsion Lutheran Church, Wichita, KS
“The calm down retreat came at an interesting time for me. Just a few days before we left for Okoboji, I had gotten home from my grandma’s funeral. In the sense of calming down as most think, my life was moving in slow motion. However, my heart and mind were going a million miles an hour, and if absolutely nothing else the retreat was able to help me slow them both down so that I could finally hear God trying to comfort me and get me through the storm.”