Archive: January, 2013


German Transitions

Talk about life-changing events….back in 1987, I received a phone call from LeRoy Wilke, asking if I would become involved in a project through the Board for Youth Services of the LCMS to work with Rev. Herb Brokering on what was to be called JourneyFest 1990.  Agreeing to participate in that event has led to […]


Seeking Peace and Safety

I pray for and seek a life of nonviolence.  It is my prayer that, as God gives peace through Christ, this peace will be translated into action.  In the sixth century, when Europe was experiencing economic, communal, and social collapse, and marauding bands of destructive tribes wrought violence throughout the countryside, Benedict of Nursia created […]


LutherFest 500

I AM SO EXCITED!   Two people have contacted me to join Luther Fest 500 in Wittenberg, Germany this summer.  You, too, are invited. Luther Fest 500, based in Wittenberg, Germany from June 17-23, 2013, will be quite an adventure.  Lost and Found has put together an incredible program for ALL AGES that includes side trips […]


Electronic Spiritual Direction

Communication via Skype has offered a whole new dimension for spiritual direction.  As a Spiritual Director, I need to be able to see the person.  Some are able to do spiritual direction on the phone, but that is not me. I am available to do spiritual direction via Skype or FaceTime on iPhone and iPad.  […]


Pains and Joys of Transition

After the past two newsletters, people contacted me about transitions in their lives.  Some of these voices have been blasts from the past and others have been folks with whom I am often in touch.  The contacts have been about transitions in life and they fall into one of two scenarios.  One type is from […]


Recent Items

  • The Loneliness Factor

    I was at a luncheon that was serving as a listening post for seniors to describe their sense of loneliness and isolation. I knew that the population invited to this luncheon was one that would probably have a higher sense of isolation, but, what I heard was much more intense than I expected. A man […]

  • Social Networks and Aging

    It is interesting that research is showing two demographics experiencing social isolation in such as way as to impact health: Young Adults (18-22) and Senior Adults (65+). I have worked with both populations over the past 50 years and I continue to be amazed at the similarity of the questions raised by both groups and […]

  • An Eye-Opening Awareness: One More Transition for this Guy

    I sat at a luncheon two weeks ago that opened my eyes to a reality that I knew was there, but as the discussion unfolded I began to realize how the discussion, about to take place, was going to expand my thinking. As I listened to the needs of the people with whom I shared […]


    When it comes to the human condition and a desire to change, we can become easily frustrated: we think that we want to change … but we really don’t. Paul expresses this contradiction well in Romans 7:15-24: “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do […]

  • The Crisis of Loneliness

    THE NATIONAL CRISIS CALLED LONELINESS From “LINKED IN” “America is becoming Isolation Nation. Nearly half of respondents to a nationwide survey by health insurer Cigna say they always or sometimes feel alone, and 54% say they feel no one knows them well. Such loneliness is connected to increased risk of heart disease, stroke and premature death. The […]