Setting a Place and Time for Daily Retreat

Having a place and a time for a daily retreat is really helpful in the formation of a discipline and practice.  As an Oblate with the St. John’s Benedictine Community (Collegeville, MN), it is my goal to pray at 7:00 a.m. which is the time the community gathers for Liturgy of Morning Prayer.  I must confess that I am not perfect in keeping this time, but, having the time set aside, helps me in my practice.

In my living room, I have a place for prayer that during the rest of the day looks like room decoration.  I turn my chair to this spot and have my place.  I then light a candle as a ritual of transition.  I need a ritual of transition to clear my mind and to help me focus.

Where can you go for a place of prayer?  What time would work best for you?  Let me know.  I would be interested.

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