Technology provides wonderful new opportunities for ministry. Beginning in April, Pivot Point Ministries will offer CONVERSATIONS WITH STEVE. These conversations will center on a given topic as participants bring together their expertise, insight and questions. This will be an electronic round-table in which all participate, and, all lead. It is hoped that participants can share readings and resources with the rest of the participants.
CONVERSATIONS WITH STEVE will take place through Google+, which allows participants to see and hear each other in real time. Conversations will be scheduled for 50 minutes once a month and will focus on a single topic each time. Participants will be invited to share insights, perspectives, expertise and questions, as all involved grow in understanding and service.
The first CONVERSATIONS WITH STEVE will take place on Tuesday, April 23, at 10:00 a.m. The topic: “Will Young Adults Return to the Church? What Does the Future Hold?” CONVERSATIONS comes at no charge.
To sign up please e-mail me at