Understanding Dementia and Spiritual Care
This topic can be explored in a 90 minute session or expanded to greater depths for a one day experience or a retreat. The time is spent in working to understand the nature of dementia related disease and how one might provide meaningful spiritual care.
When You Do Your Ministry………I Can Do Mine
This topic emphasizes the need for strong spiritual formation, beginning at birth and continuing through each phase of the lifespan. The foundations laid in those years provide the connecting points for those providing spiritual care to those with dementia related illness. The one with dementia draws upon the resources formed over the years. Time is spent exploring ways to form people in the faith over the lifespan, so that they are prepared to face whatever life brings.
A Time Out For Caregivers
This time together is for those who provide care (paid or unpaid) for those with dementia related diseases. The experience involves Scripture study, sharing, prayer and quiet rest. This program can be done in two hours or extended to an overnight retreat.
The Leadership Challenge: Exploring Ways to Serve Those With Dementia
Designed for both lay and professional leaders in the Church, this time together will provide support for congregations interested in expanding ministry to those impacted by dementia. Explore opportunities to serve a special population.
For these and other events, contact Steve Arnold (steve@pivotpointministries.org) or (651-261-9853).