Take a Breather

The word Sabbath can literally mean to “catch one’s breath. God gives the breath of life and then it becomes Satan’s goal to make a person breath-less. Tim Hansel, Holy Sweat, wrote that if “the devil can’t make you bad he’ll make you busy.”

God created us to take a rest. God has been very clear that we are not to be busy 24/7. It is God’s intention that we take one day per week to “catch our breath” and then to take times throughout the day to do the same.

The Sabbath Times throughout the day are the Prayer Hours or the Divine Office. For those who would like structure, the Prayer Hours are a true gift. Every few hours there is a time out for prayer and a chance to refocus.

It doesn’t have to be along period of time. Some take 5-7 minutes for each prayer liturgy and some take 30 minutes each time. The rhythm includes Morning, Noon, Evening and Bedtime. The idea is not to add pressure, rather to add a time of truly resting and restoring in prayer.

So, take a breather and come into the presence of God.

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